At Mairin, we value Professionalism, Reliability, Integrity, Dedication and Experience.
And Fishing.
This page is usually the most boring on a professional service company’s website. How many times do you want to read that a person has these qualifications, this amount of experience and has worked in these industries? We decided to do it differently.
We still have the qualifications – B.Sc.(Hons), B.App.Sci., B.Sc., Grad.Dip.Occ.Hyg.,Diploma in OH&S, Cert IV in OH&S, Diploma of Business, Diploma of HR Management, Cert IV Training and Assessment and Lead Auditor training.
We have Construction Industry Induction cards, Rail Industry Worker cards, Maritime Security Identification cards and even Working With Children Check cards.
Our company does work in power stations, mines, paper factories, on the railways, offshore on oil & gas rigs and a wide variety of heavy industry sites. We also work in schools, commercial offices and domestic premises.
Our staff have memberships with the Safety Institute of Australia, Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists and the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.
Instead of repeating these stale boring statements numerous times we thought it would be more interesting to see what our staff wrote about themselves or each other.
Sam (hates Samantha) Erbs – Managing Director
Known as Miss Bossy, Sam gave herself the title General Manager because she’s the boss and don’t you forget it.
With a background in the WorkCover insurance industry, Sam is your first point of contact if you have any questions about your WorkCover and Return to Work requirements.
Sam likes fishing and is better at it than everyone else. And she’s not ashamed to admit that she’s still a fan of New Kids on the Block and the Spice Girls.
Matt Erbs – General Manager
Another keen fisherman.
Matt is a fan of the Bombers and doesn’t mind watching the Melbourne Storm thrash anyone they play. He has an interesting background, having spent 10 years serving our country in the army.
Matt claims to be a great chef but tends to buy lunch each day. If you ask nicely he may cook you lunch. But be careful what you wish for.
Damian Murphy – Operations Manager
As the Operations Manager, Damian is responsible for co-ordinating the work of the Consultants. He also has an important role acting as a mentor for the ongoing development of staff.
Being one of our older staff members Damian is often called upon for advice and assistance, which is a tribute to his years of experience as a support person in the OH&S industry.
Damian is also responsible for most of the mayhem that happens in the office. He refuses to grow old gracefully, even though he has grandchildren. He has finally retired from basketball so not longer gets flattened on the court.
If you need to find Damian in the office, just listen for his whistling.
Paul ‘PJ’ Wheller – OHS Consultant
Paul (PJ) has been with the Mairin team for almost seven years, travelling to all corners of the state of Victoria undertaking various projects.
He enjoys spending time with family and having a bit of a fish when time allows. Paul is looking forward to the mighty Melbourne Football Club enjoying some long overdue success and to hopefully see a premiership over the coming years. The rest of us reckon he is dreaming.
Nicholas Costa – OHS Consultant
When at work Nic can be found hunched over his desk, a microscope, or some other piece of laboratory equipment. When not at work he is oft hunched over his personal desk, a book, or some other pastime which encourages a terrible posture. He dreads the day his co-workers discover he is merely a biological version of the “Chinese Room” thought experiment, but is confident that they have never bothered reading each other’s bios.
That’s the Mairin team so far.
We’re ready and willing to help find solutions for your OH&S issues. Start by giving us a call on 03 5127 2311.