Mairin OHS&E Consulting was recently engaged to provide asbestos monitoring and testing services during an outage at Yallourn W Power Station. This enabled our company to provide a critical service for the duration of the outage through establishing an on-site asbestos identification laboratory for the first time. By providing this service we were able to ensure that any materials suspected to contain asbestos could be analysed rapidly to minimise potential disruption to the daily works program and enable workers to get back to their job safely.
As part of an initiative between Energy Australia and contractors a set of safety performance criteria were agreed to before the outage commenced. Aside from providing a safe place and systems of work, these goals had an added incentive. Energy Australia and contractors committed to make donations to local organisations, as chosen by health and safety representatives in the workplace, if the safety objectives were met.
Among the many happy faces in the photo below is our own Ms. Jenna Perks during the presentation of a $500.00 gift voucher from us to Baringa Special School in Moe. The voucher (and several others also presented on the day) will be used by the school to purchase important sporting goods and musical equipment for students.
Congratulations to Energy Australia and all involved with the W229 outage at Yallourn W Power Station on a successful program.